Sunday, 12 June 2011

A snippet of time in the Folk Museum of Cambridge and a certain rabbit and bear that I met there

   Us faeries - we get about you know?  A few days ago, I was lucky enough to spend a happy few hours browsing rapturously in the cabinets of the Folk Museum in Cambridge.
The building is 17th century timber-framed and used to be an Inn - many of the original features - the old bar and 'snug' are still there to be seen - filled to the brim with strange and wonderful objects.

    I loved this little butter making jar - just right for a single faery for a week's butter rations - and the ancieint sun symbol which was a weighing balance - a 'steelyard' found at Stourbridge Fair.  Upstairs was a little cupboard room with a tiny window, which was a real 'powder room' where the servants of gentlemen would powder the wigs that were fashion of the day.

 The musuem would be a joy for faery-sprigs - here is a shop set out for them in the kitchen, with scales and lists and money and aprons and - oh how I  wanted to play! Sadly I didn't have enough time.

 Higher up still, through a  little gallery all about local witchcraft and up some more satisfyingly creaky and windy wooden stairs I met these two characters. Now these are just my kind of creatures - and look how much they've been loved!
Their expressions reminded me of the fantastic art of Russian felting artist Natsha Fadeeva. Do have a look at her website when you find time - her work is quite simply entrancing.   Here is the link that you need ...
and here below - one little example of her work .......

'Ski-ing Rabbit' felted toy by Natasha Fadeeva

There are some exquisite 'Bridal Mice' by Natsha Fadeeva over on my website - in the DiaryBlog for March - April 2011

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